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Original Apple products

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AirPods 3rd generation

Lost an AirPod? Your AirPod charging case is defective?

No problem! At mypods24.de you can easily buy AirPods and AirPods individually.

This sustainable option not only has benefits for your wallet, but also for our environment!

AirPods and charging cases can be easily replaced!

To pair a new replacement device with your existing set, there are only a few setup steps to follow. We have summarized these for you in an easy to understand guide!

At mypods24.de you can find all generations released by Apple so far.
So you can repurchase replacement devices for all AirPods individually

AirPods Pro

Lost an AirPod? Your AirPod charging case is defective?

No problem! At mypods24.de you can buy simply buy AirPodsseparately and  AirPods individually.

This sustainable option not only has benefits for your wallet, but also for our environment!

AirPods and charging cases can be easily replaced!

To pair a new replacement device with your existing set, there are only a few setup steps to follow. These we have for you in a easy to understand instructions summarized!

At mypods24.de you can find all generations published so far. So you canrepurchase replacement devices  for all AirPods individually.


Replacement devices for AirPods 3rd generation


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All products in the overview:

Single charging cases

Left AirPods

Right AirPods

Replacement devices for 3rd generation AirPods:


Lightning shipping with DHL

New & Used

Specialized customer advisors

Warranty & Guarantee

Support & FAQ

All products in the overview:

Single charging cases

Left AirPods

Right AirPods